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Now you are an Apprentice

Here is a useful guide to what to expect and signposts to the support available to you while you are with us. This guide forms a vital part of your Apprenticeship and provides a record of your understanding of the programme of training undertaken under the guidance of The Cornwall College Group.

Whilst on the programme, you will learn skills, which are essential to any organisation. The success of every business relies on the skills of its employees. The experiences you will gain from this programme will also help you to succeed in your future working career, wherever that takes you.

We hope it will be useful for you to refer to as your programme progresses.

There are a number of tasks that need to be completed online as part of your course. These are related to your programme entry, personal and professional development and other key elements of your programme. You will use Moodle and ProPortal for your tasks. These instructions will guide you on how to access these systems and the online training will take you the rest of the way!

Download our guide on how to access the Apprenticeship Hub

Contact support

If you need to talk to anyone about your apprenticeship, please contact the support team:
0330 123 4785

Absence hotline

0330 123 2523

Starting your apprenticeship – what to expect

We will work with your employer to make sure that you have the support you need to achieve your chosen apprenticeship. Our job is to ensure that your training programme fits yours and your employer’s requirements, offers the skills required for your job role and also meets national standards.

Upon successful enrolment, you will be allocated a dedicated learning team, which consists of a number of individuals, each bringing expertise, information and guidance to your learning. See the Supporting You section for further details

You will undergo an induction at college at the start of the apprenticeship. This will include an induction to the college campus you are attending as well as information on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Safeguarding, British Values and the Government’s Prevent and Channel initiatives, which you will need to be aware of.

During your apprenticeship, you will be expected to attend taught days at college, your timetabled activities will be provided during your college induction, detailing when and where you will be required to attend training.

Programme Induction

This will be delivered to you on your first day at college. You will be shown around the campus, have all facilities explained to you and given an introduction to the workspace, workshop and classrooms you will be studying in while at college. You will also be provided with more detailed outline of your technical training programme that you will follow throughout your apprenticeship.

Your Individual Learning Plan

Your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be agreed as part of your induction.  It details what you will be taught, when, where and by whom. A copy will be retained at the college, however you and your employer will also be given copies to refer to throughout your programme to ensure you are on track.

First Workplace Visit

Following the sign-up an Assessor/ Coach will conduct the first visit in the workplace (depending on course) and arrange a date for a follow-up meeting to continue to monitor your progress.

Week 13 Review

At 13 weeks in to your work placement, your Apprenticeship Advisor will visit the employer and yourself to carry out a review, this is to make sure everyone is happy with how things are going.

Assessor / Coach Visits

The Assessor/ Coach will conduct assessments and deliver coaching to you during the apprenticeship at pre-arranged intervals. These will vary depending on the level of the apprenticeship, the individuals support needs and the time of the year.

Apprenticeship Advisor Reviews

After the 13 week review, your Apprenticeship Advisor will continue to visit the employer and yourself to carry out reviews at pre-arranged intervals. As a minimum there will be a mid-stage review and final review, however your Advisor will accommodate as many reviews as required.

End Point Assessment (EPA)

If your Apprenticeship is one of the new Apprenticeship Standards, you will be required to attend an End Point Assessment in order to complete your apprenticeship. Apprenticeship standards are graded and can include Pass, Merit and Distinction grades. Your Advisor will discuss what this entails for both you and your employer before the start of the training programme to ensure you are as prepared as possible to succeed.

End of Apprenticeship

Your Advisor will complete a final review with you and your employer and complete any potential progression enrolments just prior to the end of the apprenticeship programme.


You will get your certificates upon successful completion of your apprenticeship, subject to all components of the apprenticeship being achieved.




Sickness or Injury

If you are off work with sickness or injury, you must tell your employer and if you are due to see your Assessor/Coach, or attend college on the day you are ill, be sure to let us know as early as possible on the first day of absence.

Unauthorised Absence

Your employer will be informed if you are absent from college or any other off-site training without permission, or are late for teaching sessions.  If such conduct persists, you may be dismissed from the training programme.


Discipline is vital to good training and you are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times.  Your employer and any member of college staff involved in your apprenticeship may talk to you about any lapses and they will help you to develop professional behaviours throughout the duration of the programme.  Persistent misconduct (such as lateness, absences, rudeness, disobedience, etc.) may lead to a verbal warning, followed if necessary by a written warning and finally by dismissal from the apprenticeship programme.


If you lose your job, we may be able to help you to find employment with a different employer in order to continue your apprenticeship. Please contact your Apprenticeship Advisor, Tutor, Assessor/Coach and/or the Apprenticeship Recruitment Team (0330 1234 758) as soon as possible for support and information on what steps you need to take. Alternatively, if you choose to change jobs you may be able to continue your training programme with your new employer as long as the programme requirements are suitable to your new job.

What can I expect to get paid?

There is a national minimum wage for apprentices aged 16-18 – visit www.gov.uk/apprenticeships-guide for the latest details. You may earn significantly more as you progress through your qualifications (depending on the career route you choose). If you are an apprentice aged 19+ you may start at the national apprentice minimum wage for the first year and then go on to the national minimum wage and progress from there. If you are already employed and start an apprenticeship, your wage should not change.

What are my legal rights with my employer?

Apprentices have the same employment rights as other employees within the same organisation working at similar grades or in similar roles. This includes:

  • paid holidays
  • sick pay
  • any benefits you offer such as childcare voucher scheme.

When starting with an employer you will also sign an apprenticeship agreement, which gives details of the employer’s commitment to you including: how long they will employ you for, the training they will give, outline of the working conditions and the qualifications or skills goals you are working towards.

What will I need to buy for my course/job?

You will be told at your programme induction if there are any materials, clothing or equipment you need to buy to study your apprenticeship. Your employer is responsible for providing you with any Personal Protective Equipment for the workplace.

Who do I talk to if there are any issues?

There is a wide support network available to you, should you need further support or guidance. Please see the Supporting You section of this guide for further details.

What if I want to change employers or lose my job?

We can help you find a new employer through our Apprenticeship Recruitment Team, or support you if you have found a new employer and wish to transfer during your apprenticeship.

Supporting you

You are supported on every step of your apprenticeship journey, these are the people that will be available to you while you are a student with us:

Apprenticeship Advisor

You will be allocated an advisor whose job it is to ensure you as the apprentice are happy with the programme, employer and to help with any concerns throughout the course of the training.  Your advisor will carry out the enrolment paperwork, which confirms your apprenticeship has been agreed by yourself, your employer and the College.

They will also carry out progress reviews with you and your employer, the first of which will be 13 weeks after you first start and then on an ongoing basis as agreed with your employer and College Tutor

These review meetings will take place in the workplace and it is important that all parties attend, so that any issues raised can be resolved and / or actions taken accordingly.

Assessor/ Work Place Coach

They will guide you through your qualification and work with you to generate evidence for your qualification and provide you with information, knowledge and feedback to help you achieve. They will also ensure that you are fully prepared for the End Point Assessment if you are undertaking an Apprenticeship Standard. In order to achieve this, your Assessor/Coach will arrange to visit you within the work place on a regular basis.


The role of the tutor is to provide you with teaching and learning in a one-to-one or a classroom setting on your college days. They will work with you to make sure that you have all of the underpinning knowledge you need to competently use equipment safely in the work place and to pass your assessments at college. Your Skills Coach and Tutor may be the same person.

Customer Services Team

At different times before, during or after the apprenticeship training, our Customer Services Team may contact you to offer other relevant training opportunities that may be of interest to you. The Customer Service Team can book you onto these additional training courses if required.

Apprenticeship Recruitment Team

The Apprenticeship Recruitment Team are dedicated to supporting applicants in finding an apprenticeship placement with an employer. They will work with you to find an employer, and provide CV and interview tips.

Student Services

Our team are on each campus to support you should you need advice on any of the following:

  • Funding and bursaries
  • Transport
  • Care to Learn
  • Childcare
  • Accommodation
  • Counselling

Supporting Disability

We want individuals to be successful.  Sometimes industries are more dangerous and complex than others, but this should not deter you. We have a wide range of support practitioners within the college to help you make the most of your apprenticeship and pursue the career you want. Any additional   support you may need will be identified and put in place as part of your college enrolment.

Learning Services

We have Learning Centres on our campuses that offer a range of resources, facilities and support for your studies, including:

  • Books and e-books to support your studies
  • Magazines and journals
  • DVDs and Audio CDs
  • Study spaces for individual study and group work
  • Computers, laptops and tablet devices to use in the LC
  • Wireless internet access for your own equipment.

The Learning Centre staff can help you with:

  • Accessing and understating how to use the student e-learning platform Moodle
  • Finding and using books, e-books and journals
  • Support for developing your study and research skills, including using the Internet for research
  • Help with using college computers and software including: using Office 365, Mind Genius for creating mind maps, Read & Write Gold for developing reading, writing and research skills
  • Avoiding plagiarism and creating references.


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Support

We are committed to supporting every learner, to ensure they are equipped with the tools and resilience required to successfully achieve their learning goals and aspirations. Please see our SEND Provision Statement for further information and details should you wish to talk to someone in person.

Absence hotline

Please call before 10am on the first day of your absence for college days. If it is a work day your employer will require you to notify them direct using their organisation’s policy around absence.

Absence numbers

Cornwall College: 0330 123 2523

Falmouth Marine School: 0330 123 2523

Duchy College Stoke Climsland: 01579 372201

Duchy College Rosewarne: 0330 123 4784

Bicton College: 01395 562314

Sickness or Injury

If you are off work with sickness or injury, you must tell your employer and if you are due to see your Assessor/Coach, or attend college on the day you are ill, be sure to let us know as early as possible on the first day of absence.

Unauthorised Absence

Your employer will be informed if you are absent from college or any other off-site training without permission, or are late for teaching sessions.  If such conduct persists, you may be dismissed from the training programme.

Employee Terms & Conditions

You are employed by your company. This means that you have a job, but your employer has asked us to support, organise and supervise your training programme.

Apprentices should be treated like any other employee within a business. The Terms and Conditions of your employment should be outlined in your Contract of Employment or Employment Statement.

There is a requirement for all apprentices to receive at least the national apprenticeship minimum wage. Apprentices who are under 18 years old can work a maximum of 40 hours per week (including their college day).

Frameworks and Standards – what are the differences?

There are two main types of Apprenticeships: Apprenticeship Frameworks and Apprenticeship Standards.

Frameworks have been around for a long time, they are qualifications developed by sector bodies, are used to assess apprenticeships. Each framework contains pathways which set out different roles.

Frameworks are primarily qualification-focused. The main aim at the end of a framework is to have achieved a competency-based qualification, such as an NVQ, and a technical qualification, such as a BTEC Diploma.

In a framework, apprentices are assessed throughout their apprenticeship. They have to obtain a number of qualifications during the apprenticeship but there is no overall end assessment.

Standards are a newly developed format for apprenticeships and contain a list of the skills, knowledge and behaviours an apprentice will need to have learnt by the end of their apprenticeship.

Standards are occupation-focused and written by groups of employers; they are not qualification-led. The learning happens throughout the apprenticeship but the apprentice is assessed at an End Point Assessment where they need to prove that they can carry out all aspects of their job.

Apprenticeship standards are graded and can include Pass, Merit and Distinction grades

It is important that you know which type of apprenticeship you are undertaking and your Apprenticeship Advisor, Tutor and Assessor/Coach will confirm this before your apprenticeship begins.

All Frameworks will be replaced by the new Apprenticeship Standards by July 2020

Disclosure and Authorisation (GDPR)

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations, we will be passing on the personal details that you have provided to the Awarding Body for your qualification and the Government Funding Agency responsible for your apprenticeship. A copy of our full data protection policy is available on our website www.cornwall.ac.uk

What makes up your Apprenticeship?

There are different component parts that make up your apprenticeship:

English and maths

If you do not already hold GCSE level Maths and English at grade 4 you will be required to attend and pass English and maths Functional Skills. Without completing these qualifications, you cannot pass your apprenticeship and therefore good attendance and attitude towards these lessons are imperative.

On-the-job training

It is your employer’s responsibility to train you in the workplace in the job role that has been agreed with the college. This needs to be directly related to the apprenticeship that you are undertaking.

Off-the-job training

All apprentices are expected to complete off-the-job training which equates to 20% of an apprenticeship programme and is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. This will include any college days and will include training that is delivered at your normal place of work.

The off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship framework or standard and could include the following:

  • The teaching of theory, for example: lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning or manufacturer training
  • Practical training: shadowing, observing, mentoring, industry visits and attendance at competitions.
  • Learning support and time spent writing assessments/assignments

It is your employer’s responsibility to allow you the time to carry out your off-the-job training during your normal contracted hours of work. If you need any further information on off-the-job training requirement please speak to your Assessor / Coach or Tutor.


If you are studying an apprenticeship framework you will be assessed throughout the duration of your apprenticeship by your Assessor / Coach

If you are studying an apprenticeship standard you will be assessed at an End Point Assessment (EPA) which is carried out by an external End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). The details of this will be outlined to you at the start of your programme.

Behaviour and Ethics

We will make every effort to ensure that the training and learning process is as enjoyable and effectives as possible for everyone. However, this is a two way process. By enrolling on any of our training courses all parties agree to respect each other:

  • By actively listening
  • By actively exploring each other’s ideas
  • By contributing our ideas
  • By challenging issues not people
  • By taking confidentiality seriously
  • By respecting our time keeping
  • By being supportive of each other
  • By using inclusive language

We recognise that we are all unique. There is nobody like you in the world and there will be nobody like you ever again. You have a wealth of skills, experiences, resources and strengths at your disposal. You have a contribution to make to the training and learning programme that no one else can make.

British Values

British values are an important part of your programme.  We will promote the basic core principles that will help to support you in the development of your social and moral responsibilities.    These values are things like: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.

Exclusion from training

We reserve the right to exclude you from any training and learning programme for any of the following reasons:

  • Your attendance is poor
  • Your assignments are not adequately completed
  • Your behaviour is not considered to be acceptable – particularly if it adversely affects the learning experience of other learners.
  • Your work has been found to have plagiarised content

Note: If you are being considered for exclusion, we will have adhered to the College’s learner disciplinary policy and procedure – a copy of this policy can be requested directly from your Tutor or Assessor/ Coach or found here [hyperlink].

Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy

All staff, learners and employers have a responsibility to recognise bullying and harassment and take the appropriate action in accordance with this policy immediately they become aware of any such behaviour. A list of examples and definitions of what may be considered bullying and harassment are listed below for guidance and practical purposes. We will conduct an investigation into any claim of unfair treatment reported by staff members or learners.

Recognising Bullying and Harassment

Bullying may appear as:

  • Offensive, intimidating, malicious or offensive behaviour.
  • Abuse, or misuse of power which is meant to humiliate, undermine, degrade or injure the victim.

Harassment may appear as:

  • Unwanted conduct, affecting the dignity of anyone in the workplace in relation to: Race, age, sex, disability, religion, nationality or personal characteristics.

The person on the receiving end of such actions or comments may report them as degrading or unacceptable.

The college regards the following behaviours as totally unacceptable:

  • Spreading malicious rumours or insulting staff/learners
  • Sending / copying memos or any other form of communication that are critical of a person
  • Ridiculing or demeaning someone
  • Picking on an individual or setting them up to fail
  • Excluding an individual / group
  • Treating an individual less favourably than another
  • Overbearing supervision or misuse of power
  • Unwelcome advances of a sexual nature – touching, standing too close
  • Deliberately overloading competent workers and constantly criticising them
  • Blocking promotion and training opportunities
  • Online bullying via social media sites

Reporting Bullying and Harassment

Any incident of bullying and harassment that is reported by a member of staff or learner will be treated with the strictest confidence. Staff dealing with these matters will show empathy and respect and not be judgmental.

We will take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the victim. Witnesses will also be treated fairly and respectfully and protected from victimisation. If you feel that you are being bullied or harassed in your workplace please report it immediately to your Apprenticeship Advisor or Assessor/Coach.


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all learners including young people and vulnerable adults, in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance (2017).   We also recognise that we have a duty to help employers, staff and learners to identify their responsibilities.  We do this by offering guidance, support and training.

If you’re having trouble at work, at home, during your time training with us, or anywhere else, don’t hesitate to get in touch, in confidence with our safeguarding specialist by emailing safe@cornwall.ac.uk or calling 01209 617888.


Prevent Duty

The Prevent strategy, published by the Government in 2011, is part of the overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. In the Act this has simply been expressed as the need to “prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.  This became law in 2015.

We consider Prevent to be one of the foremost important challenges we experience in training and education.  We expect our learners to engage fully and actively with this strategy and in return we will provide training to help them to develop the skills and knowledge they need.

Health & Safety

We adhere to the Health and Safety at Work legislation.

You are required to:

  • Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of other people who may be affected by your actions.
  • Co-operate with us on all health, safety and welfare.
  • Complete an accident report if you sustain and injury or have an accident at any time whilst you are on your training programme.

A copy of the full of our Health and Safety policy is available on request from your Skills Coach / Tutor or by contacting 0330 123 2523.

Compliments and Complaints Procedure

We are fully committed to providing a productive and enjoyable learning experience for all learners. Should there be anything that you are not happy with, or if you feel the training programme is not meeting your needs, please raise this immediately with your Assessor/Coach or Tutor. Compliments and feedback can also be provided to your college members of staff.

A copy of the full complaints and compliments policy is also available in our governance section of this website

Our Commitment to You

We take your views and opinions seriously. If we receive a complaint, we take immediate and decisive action to resolve the issue. This includes:

  • Handling complaints promptly and discreetly with the best interest of the learner always taking precedence.
  • Undertaking a full review to try to resolve the cause of the complaint. This may require us to make direct contact with you to review in more detail the nature of your complaint and the circumstances, which may have led to it.
  • Escalating the complaint resolving procedure within The Cornwall College Group to Director-level if necessary, should there not be a resolution that you are totally satisfied with.
  • Providing formal feedback to you on both the progress and the final outcome of how your complaint is being handled.

We will welcome feedback from all complainants on the quality of service that they receive in relation to complaints and use this feedback to improve our service.

CCSU – Students’ Union

Did you know that as an apprentice, you are automatically part of The Cornwall College Group Student Union (CCSU)?

As part of the CCSU you can get involved with a range of extra curriculum activities including; trips, arts and crafts, social events, volunteering, confidence building activities and many more. There are also class representatives, campus chairs and vice chairs that represent the student voice at all levels of management across The Cornwall College Group.

For more information, contact your Learner Enrichment Officer (LEO) on your campus or speak to your Tutor or Assessor/Coach.

NUS Apprentice Extra Card

As an apprentice you are entitled to the same great discounts as full-time students through the National Union of Students (NUS).

You can buy a TOTUM NUS Extra student discount card, the number 1 student discount card for every year you are studying as an apprentice. TOTUM, the new name for the NUS extra card, brings you over 200 UK student discounts and comes with 1-year FREE ISIC unlocking over 42,000 international discounts.

TOTUM has the best student discounts around that you can use online and in store. Top brands include:

  • 10% off at the Co-op
  • 10% off ASOS
  • 25% off Odeon student priced tickets
  • Up to 40% off at Las Iguanas

To apply for your NUS Apprentice extra discount card simply visit www.apprenticeextra.co.uk

Next steps

Whether you want to progress to the next level, try something different or simply get some great impartial careers advice, we can advise you on the next best steps for you.


If you wish to progress on to the next level, talk to your Apprenticeship Advisor and Assessor/Coach, who can discuss with you and your employer any opportunities for progression where possible. You may not wish to go on to the next level straight away, that’s fine you can be an apprentice at any age. We also offer a range of higher professional qualifications for certain sectors if that’s the route you wish to take.

Different direction

If you wish to change to a different discipline, talk to your Apprenticeship Advisor, they will put you in contact with the relevant subject specialists within our organisation, to explore what could be possible. Alternatively you can talk to our Customer Services Team at any time about your options in a confidential environment. Call us on 0330 123 2523 or e-mail enquiries@cornwall.ac.uk

Careers advice

If you are not sure what to do next, why not take advantage of our free careers service to help you explore your options. We offer 1-2-1 appointments across The Cornwall College Group campuses, either in person, over the phone or via Skype. To book an appointment, get in touch careers@cornwall.ac.uk or call 0330 123 2523.


And Finally

We send out an apprenticeship learner survey on an annual basis. This enables us to obtain feedback on our service to you, and gives us an indication of any areas of our provision that we need to improve on. We would be grateful for your response should you receive one to complete.

We hope that this guide provides information that will help you answer any queries you may have. Should you require further clarification, please do not hesitate in contacting your Apprenticeship Advisor

We wish you the very best of luck during your apprenticeship programme with us.

Useful links

  • General information about apprenticeships – www.gov.uk/apprenticeships-guide
  • Search for current apprenticeship vacancies – www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch
  • Higher & Degree Apprenticeships – www.gov.uk/government/publications/higher-and-degree-apprenticeships